Friday, December 30, 2005

Quantum CyberTeaser Archive

Quantum CyberTeaser Archive
Are you a puzzle solver? Feels good to stretch the brain, doesn't it? You'd probably enjoy THIS WEBSITE. Here's a few examples to chew on...
Ducky numbers. For many years now Baron Münchhausen has gone to a lake every day to hunt ducks. Starting on August 1, 2000, he says to his cook: "Today I shot more ducks than two days ago, but fewer than a week ago." For how many days can the baron say this? (Remember, the baron never lies.)

Returnable bottles. A government program allows people to collect empty milk bottles and exchange them for bottles full of milk. Four empty bottles may be exchanged for one full bottle. How many bottles of milk can a family drink if it has collected 24 empty bottles?

Rolling coins. Two identical coins touch the side of a rectangle at the same point—one from the inside, the other from the outside. The coins are rolled in the plane along the perimeter of the rectangle until they come back to their initial positions. The height of the rectangle is twice the circumference of the coins and its width is twice its height. How many revolutions will each coin make?

Answers are on the website.


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