Friday, December 30, 2005

Know Anyone from Wisconsin?

If they've been involved in any court actions, you can look it up HERE.

You click on the "Acceptance of Terms of Use" button and you are taken to the search page where you can input a last name, a last name with a first name, and other search criteria. All court records that bear that name will appear on the results page.

This page became quite handy in the days of Project Greenlight when the trolls were actually threatening webmaster fgonnello and/or hacking the Project Greenlight website to steal members' personal data. It seems the trolls backed off when they discovered their own legal history could be published and emailed throughout cyberspace. Nobody picks on fgonnello and gets away with it.

This website also provided a most interesting result for Project Greenlight members who had been approached by more than one of the trolls and asked to give credit card numbers and other personal info -- it seems a trio of trolls who had been doing this very thing at Project Greenlight actually lived either in the same housing project or within walking distance of each other but they denied (or tried to pretend) that they didn't even know each other! Gee. Why would they need to do that?

And the three of them were the most disruptive and most destructive participants on the Project Greenlight messageboards. Some of their marks (dupes) still believe they're "good people." Pity.


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