Wednesday, July 04, 2007

[BARF WARNING!] 'Corgi tastes disgusting'

A performance artist has eaten a corgi live on radio in protest at Prince Philip's alleged torture of a fox.

Mark McGowan, 37, said the cooked dog - the Queen's favourite breed - tasted "really, really, really disgusting".

The corgi, which died at a breeding farm, was minced with apple and onion, reports Sky News.

The artist ate it on the Bob and Roberta Smith radio programme, broadcast on London-based station 104.4 Resonance FM.

Before the show, the vegetarian and animal rights activist explained his motives for the protest.

He said: "I know some people will find this offensive and tasteless.
"But I am doing this to raise awareness about the RSPCA's inability to prosecute Prince Philip and his friends shooting a fox earlier this year, letting it struggle for life for five minutes and then beating it to death with a stick."

The radio show's presenter, Bob Smith, said: "I'm not convinced it's corgi."

But Mr McGowan insisted he trusted the two ladies who cooked the dog.
He said: "It's stinky, it's white-looking - it's not like any meat I've ever seen."

The RSPCA said it had investigated the alleged incident involving Philip at the Queen's Sandringham estate in January and "found no evidence that an offence of causing unnecessary suffering had taken place".

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