The Nutjob Shows Her True Colors
I didn't shut down my board because of a few mistakes made. I shut down the board because I didn't feel Ezboard was being honest about what happened and people who were genuinely distressed about having years' worth of posts and research wiped out were not treated with a great deal of respect.
I can't trust a company like that. So I bailed. Anyway, here is one of my old threads and it just struck me funny as I read it again for the first time in a couple of years:
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x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x |
Mind you, all of my conversations save for one, with this woman have been civil and she never showed any "nuttiness" to me. But everyone I know who's ever met her tells me she's a whackjob. The one time I had to take her down to Chinatown, she was blowing up firecrackers very close to my Mother's bedroom window. She wouldn't stop and screamed at me when I asked real nice-like, too, for her to stop scaring my Mom. So I called the cops. They made her stop. [NOTE: PRIVATE USE OF FIRECRACKERS IS ILLEGAL IN MY COUNTY] So anyway, here's the carpet guy asking me when I came back with their food, "What's your neighbor's problem? She's crazy, did you know that?" He never met her before that day. He had no reason to dislike her or think badly of her. So he told me she was demanding to know what kind of carpet we were getting, the exact name and number of the color, and so on... so the carpet guy gave her his business card and said, "I have to get back to work." Well, they sold their house and now the new neighbors are renovating the interior, in preparation for moving in. I guess the carpet people are there today because all of the old neighbor's carpet is cut up and laid out on their driveway, ready for the trash. And guess what? I'M LOOKING AT MY OWN FREAKING CARPET!!!! That's right, she had the exact same carpet installed in her house that we had installed in our house. I vaguely recall a slightly strage conversation I had with her when all the work was going on in which she demanded to know what upgrades we were doing and if we were getting any new appliances, etc. I bet I know what the inside of her house looks like without even setting foot in it. OMG, when I saw that carpet, I just cracked up!!!! TOO F*CKING FUNNY!!!!!! Some people get so jealous, they try to copy what they think the other person has. It's kinda sad, but more funny than sad, don'tcha think? |
sachetm x x x x x | What, do you and your Mom go around everytime there's a house for sale in your neighborhood and put a sticker on the for sale sign saying, "only contracts from whackjobs, accepted" or something? How do you do it? Do you have any normal neighbors? Or is it only the fruitcakes who are worth writing about? |
uhuru1701 xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x | See, the guy who lives next door on the OTHER side is dangerous-crazy, even though my lawyer three years ago tried to tell me this lady on the other side was also dangerous-crazy. I never, ever had a bad run-in with her. I only heard peoples' reactions to her. My ex-boyfriend hated her because he said she was a racist and he could read it in her face every time she looked at him. If it was anyone else, I'd say they were being a little over-sensitive, but most of my Mexican friends are so astute at "reading" people, they could put on a good show as psychics. Every friend who's come here to see me while she's lived there has told me to watch out for her. And then the carpet guy who barely knew me and certainly didn't know her and had no stake in was she crazy or not, even he said she was a nut. Good riddance to bad rubbish. She's gone. Hallelujah! EDITED TO ADD: I had never had a bad run-in with her until last year over the fireworks. |
stonygirl2004 x | maybe it's time you moved to a new neighborhood?LOL |
uhuru1701 x x x x x x | This is what a decent person I am: when gypsies (roaming con artists) came to my door once to offer some unnecessary service, and I got an extremely bad vibe from them as in these are people about to commit a crime and/or violent act, I snuck around to all my nearby neighbors where I knew they had children and warned them to look through their keyholes before they opened the door and not to open the door to these creeps. I even warned Mr. Wacko next door. He has eight children. |
sachetm | I hope the new people are better but w/ your neighbor luck I wouldn't count on it!![]() |
uhuru1701 x x x x x | Oh, I'm sure they will have been indoctrinated by the other neighbors and I think they are either related to the neighbors who just moved out or are good friends of theirs because they were all hanging out together for a few weeks. The day I met the new neighbors, I had JUST found out that my Mother's hip had been broken when the therapist dropped her. So I was rushing off to the hospital in tears and there they were. |
the schmoo x x x | The next time these people come to your door, write 666 across you forhead, answer the door naked and invite them in by telling them "I've been waiting for you." They'll never knock again. |
SweetThang x |
Uhu, as for your neighbors, yikes! |
uhuru1701 x x x | Schmoo, that's perfect. My Mom has a good routine for junk telephone marketers. She puts on her senile old lady routine and acts ever so grateful for their company and she just goes on and on and on because she's ever so lonely... those poor people can't wait to get rid of her. |
Labels: Ezboard, messageboard, nutty neighbors, PGL, Project Greenlight
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