Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Infinite Cat Project

I do love cats and there's no such thing as too many kitty pictures, right? So whoever thought this website up is a genius. From the website:
The story of a monumental concatenation...

Shortly after the turn of the false millennium, or early in the year 2000, I was cruising a favored Apple computer forum and chanced upon the picture you see to your left. That's Frankie, the progenitor of the Infinite Cat Project, admiring the beauty of a flower. (Major kudos to Paul Hamilton, owner of Frankie, for kicking this whole thing off.)

Not long after that another visitor to the same forum beheld his cat growling at the picture of Frankie and summarily posted an image of that event. I thought this sequence held promise and had my own cat, Poozy, join the queue, a progression that now boasts over 1400 cats.

There's always room at the table for one more kitty. So join us, won't ye?


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